
There are a number of ways you can contact the Pixley Project


E-mail Pixley Project:
Call the Pixley Project: 909-625-6350


Mail to:

Pixley Project

112 Harvard Ave #100

Claremont, CA 91711


Or you can contact the Pixley Project online using the form below.

Fill out all applicable portions.  Starred fields are required.
  1. If you are making an online submission, be sure to provide some background information about yourself.  Also, indicate if you are younger than 19, or older than 18.
  2. Be sure to provide enough personal information for us to reply.

Use the upload option to send us any document, or graphic that you wish to submit.

* First Name   * Last Name

* Email   *Age required only for submissions

   Phone optional 

 * Reason for contact 

* Comments (if you are making a submission, please provide some background information, as described in our Submission Guidelines).

If you are seeking to be a contributing member and you have a submission to make at this time (a written document, or a graphic), use the button below to locate the file on your computer that you wish to submit.  It will automatically be uploaded when you submit this form.

Form Validation (enter 9182)        


Confirm Entry (repeat 9182)          

When you have finished filling out this form, click below to submit it.

After we get a chance to look at what you submit, we will reply with our analysis of what we can provide, an estimated time involved and cost.  When possible, we include a free sample of what we can do for a specific project.

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