Become a Pixley Project Associate

Pixley Project Associates help make this all possible. They participate and help in our efforts to promote disability in the arts.

All Pixley Project Associates are listed on the web site on the Associates Page.

There area couple ways for Associates to be involved with the Pixley Project.

I.   Participating and assisting in the functioning of the project.  These individuals may do this occasionally, as needed, and/or ongoingly, over time and they include such things as:

·         Providing feedback to current, or possible future projects, such as reading and responding to and evaluating manuscripts, or art, or photographs (for the most part, this is an occasional, as needed contribution).

·         Helping with the Pixley Project web site (this can be a one-time, or an ongoing contribution, both of which might involve feedback, proof reading, or actual management of the site)

·         Assisting with projects, such as performances, or shows (this would be only at the time a performance, or show is actually being presented)

·         Helping with fund raising/resource development (this can be as needed, or ongoing)

·         Contributing to things we haven't thought of yet!

 II. Contributing (not money) to that which the Pixley Project presents.  Such contribution can be one time only, or intermittent, and they include  such individuals as:

·         Writers

·         Painters

·         Photographers

·         Actors, directors, etc.

We welcome any and all who can help us promote disability in the arts.  To become available as a an Associate, simply contact us and let us know.  It's as simple as that.

to go to our Contact Us page and let us know how you'd like to join us.

The Pixley Project welcomes Contributing and Collaborating Associates. 

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