Eagle Online Services

Providing a Wide Range of

Internet Resources and Assistance





  WRITING SERVICES: Here's what we offer in general 

Nonfiction: Eagle Online Services provides a wide range of assistance in nonfiction, ranging from proofreading to editing, indexing, development, and the actual writing of documents.  These services apply to text in all possible contexts. such as letters, essays, articles, chapters and books, and website text.

Fiction/Creative Writing: Eagle Online Services also provides a wide range of assistance for the creative writer, from editing to character and plot development.


See link at the bottom of the page for further specific information.


What we use:

In editing and writing, Eagle Online Services uses Microsoft Word,  which has features, such as, "track changes," "strikeout," and "highlight," which allow clients to see all edits made and keep track of all suggested changes and revisions.


Method of work:

We rely heavily on internet communication supplemented by telephone consultation.  All writing can be shared by means of e-mail.  However, hard copy can also be provided by means of fax, or regular mail.  Verbal contact on the telephone is used to negotiate fees, to clarify client needs, and to assure client satisfaction.

Our Approach to writing:

Nonfiction:  When it comes to nonfiction, we believe that the best writing as that which is simple and direct and easily comprehended by the widest range of readers.  Toward this end, we advocate writing that:

  • Uses easy to understand words and avoids jargon, or technical language, except when necessary (such as, in writing a technical manual, or a text book) .

  • Has an easy-to-recognize logic, or structure that allows readers to read both top-down (that is, skim text to get overall view and read in detail when desirable, or necessary) and front-to-back (that is, from the beginning to the end).

Creative Writing:  When it comes to creative writing, we also prize simple and direct language, but we add imagery and evocative language to  enhance the richness of what is written.  In the process we employ an approach that takes into account genre (category of fiction, such as mystery/detective, romance, science fiction, and mainstream) and that considers the interactions between character, plot and theme.

Practice what we preach: Finally, we believe in practicing what we preach, and use this approach on this, our own website.  

Writing Samples: We will soon have available a variety of writing samples to further demonstrate out approach to writing.


for more specific information about the assistance we offer for both nonfiction and fiction writing.